I don’t know about you, but I believe I am full of good ideas. Great ideas even. And over the years I have done many things and had many adventures. Ski trips up almost unattainable mountains, took jazz ballet lessons and exams in my thirties, even though I had previously thought I was too old to do so at age fourteen, did bodybuilding. And now in my fifties, tramping and hunting, although I need more fitness and experience.
What about you? For me, the great idea of skiing with advanced skiers on the Rainbow Skifield may not have been the best, as I blew a disc in my lower back.
And over the years, I have tried many ways to earn extra income. All of them have developed me as a person or improved my skills and knowledge as a dentist. Although not all my ventures have been financially successful.
Often I would be in my head, looking, so to speak, to the right or to the left, wondering what I should do. Sometimes I moved ahead when I heard God say a clear NO. Why then would I expect to succeed?
I think when we are wondering where we are in the journey of life; it is good to go back to our goals and ask, What did God say? It is so easy to get busy with the practical things of this earth and get distracted from the first thing.
What is the first or most important thing?
Jesus said in Mark 12:30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
It is so important to focus on all parts of this scripture, but today I want to mention the loving yourself part. If you love yourself, then you are more likely to be able to love God and to love others. Are you kind to yourself? And therefore able to share the love of God with others?
When life is tough and gets distracting, a great place to start is to sit with God and breathe. In for four and say Yah, out for four Weh, or another name that resonates with you, Abba, Father? Honor Him, thank Him, and ask Him to speak to you.
A wonderful way to give your heart over to Him is to place your hand on your belly, as Jesus said out of your belly will flow rivers of living water, and thank Him for the Spirit of Christ, dwelling within. Ask Him to reveal any anxious thought or situation. How old were you? What was happening? What did you need at that time to bring acceptance and sense of peace to that situation? Can you give that little person inside, reassurance? a hug? Can you imagine Jesus with you at that time? What would He say and do? We know He is absolutely loving and compassionate, and perhaps even sometimes He will bring a gentle rebuke. Do you need to forgive someone, God, or yourself? As you go through this process, often God can bring healing to the parts of you that need restoration. Then we can release our negative emotions.
As we sit with God and allow Him to heal us, I believe we can learn our true identity in Him. No longer wounded soldiers, but soldiers of strength.
We can stand firm and remember that we are the head and not the tail. I believe we are less likely to be distracted and can be more in tune with Him, knowing His joy.
various kinds, for you know the testing of your faith brings steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4
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